Traditional Trunyan Village Cemetery

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Trunyan village cemetery is the other choices for you when youa are travelling in Bali beside the beach. This is very unique place where you can find the dead body there. Moreover, many people called this place as the dead village. This place is located near the lake of Bantur and it is also in foot of Mount Abang. This tourism object is very perfect for you who like the different and unique object. The people in that village have very special tradition that isn’t followed by the other society. The tradition is that they will not bury the dead body. There are three kinds of cemetery in their tradition that have the different function. The first cemetery is for the dead body of the adults that died normally. The second cemetery is for the people who die abnormally, such as people who die because of accident and the last cemetery is for the children. There are some unusual facts that you can find from its place:
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First Fact about Trunyan village cemetery
The death body is not buried by the society there. They will only put that body on the land near the hill. They will just only leave it in the open area. And then the death body will slowly leave the bones. The unique thing from its process is that it doesn’t result the bad aroma from the death body even though it is not buried. It is believed that it happened because the water nears the body. The water absorbs the entire bad aroma from the death body.
The weather about Trunyan village cemetery
The other that makes this place is very familiar is that the weather that is very cold. Nowadays, there are many people who are sick because of the changes of the weather. The cold weather in this place will automatically help the people to treat the death body. Because of that, people who want to come to this place should be taken the suitable clothes, like the thick one. The weather can reach till 17 degrees of Celsius.  You can imagine how it is very cold there.
If you like about the mysterious things, you can go to this place. But, if you are too afraid to come alone, you need your friends to accompany you. The frightening dead body sometimes make people becomes more careful. It is because most of them are too afraid to disturb them and it is also can become the unforgettable moment in Bali by visiting Trunyan village cemetery.

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